Environmental, Sustainability & Decarbonisation

OEG Energy (OEG) recognises that climate change is a serious global environmental issue, and OEG is supportive of worldwide efforts to materially reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

OEG is committed to participating in this global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

Through OEG’s extensive rental fleet of reusable containers and tanks, combined with our supporting management and maintenance service offering, OEG offers sustainable packaging solutions which facilitate circularity across the energy supply chain. Furthermore, we aim to reduce our, and our customers, environmental footprint through water conservation, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

As part of our wider Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, one of OEG’s principal environmental objective’s is to reduce its carbon footprint and we have set out the following realistic targets based on an analysis of our current and historic emissions, set to a baseline:


a 35% reduction in emissions


net-zero, with minimal reliance on offsets


We strive to support our local communities with a range of initiatives, including prioritising development of our local teams through skills transfer and we aim to minimise the use of ex-patriot staff in our operations.

OEG Energy has also developed a number of partnerships with local suppliers and operating partners to develop local supply chains and indigenous support for our worldwide operations, and our ambition is to continue to develop and apply this model throughout our network.

We also believe in giving back to our local communities and in our UK operations we have undertaken charity fundraising events for Bowel Cancer UK, Charlie House, Archway, Northsound One Cash for Kids Mission Christmas appeal, and Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE).

OEG Energy has also developed its USA based in-house environmental programme, Recycle the Gulf, which is designed to reduce and recycle waste generated offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. Utilizing OEG’s waste handling product line, recyclables can be collected, sorted, and compacted on the offshore installation. Recyclables are sorted and collected onshore with proceeds donated to the Arc of Acadiana, a Louisiana based organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with developmental disabilities.

Internationally, OEG Energy have also contributed to our host communities including supplying containers to the F.R.O.M famine relief charity, for the shipping of medical supplies to orphans in Malawi. And in Thailand, OEG Energy participated in the EDrill Buddy System Rally, where the funds raised from the event were used to purchase educational and sports equipment for the Wat Laem Bo Tor school in our local community of Songkhla.


OEG Energy is committed to good corporate governance across our global operations, and our code of conduct is distributed to all of our employees, which sets out OEG Energy’s business ethics and our expectations of our employees and partners.

We have established processes and systems to mitigate the risks of bribery and corruption and other misconduct contrary to law and internal policies, including staff training, use of external databases for counterparty screening and confidential whistleblowing opportunities.

Our legal and compliance policies such as Modern Slavery, Whistleblowing, and Competition Compliance statements are available publicly and by request.


Quality assurance is the foundation of our business, providing governance through policies, procedures and work instructions which are all managed and controlled through our ISO 9001:2015 certified management system.

We also build relationships through industry-led supplier management portals, and we are a qualified participant with ISN World, Safe To Work (STOW) and PEC safety. We have also achieved verified supplier status in the Achilles supplier management system and are registered in the Achilles JQS database.

As a long-established supplier to the energy sector, we are dedicated to providing our customers with a high-quality and versatile product range and delivering service excellence across our global network. We actively seek customer feedback through online surveys and quarterly business reviews, working to continuously improve and develop our business practices to support customers’ global projects.


Wherever we work we will ensure that we maintain a safe and healthy working environment and promote a positive culture in which we continually improve our performance. Wherever we work, we are committed to the prevention of injury and work-related ill health, safe facilities, and safe working practices for all employees, contractors & visitors.

Our QHSE management system is subject to continuous reviews and audits both internally and externally to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness to meet not only legislative requirements but also customer requirements and corporate QHSE objectives.